At Little Cherubs Day Care Nursery, we believe good behaviour management to be an important stepping-stone in a child’s development. We understand that all children have different needs, are of various ages, and come from different cultures and religions. However, we recognise that the children need to acquire basic social skills, to provide the foundation for the development of values and morals for the future.
An environment, which offers praise and support, whilst providing clear guidelines, helps the children understand what is expected of them. The children are encouraged through this environment to value and respect themselves.
Good behaviour and discipline are essential to ensure the smooth and safe running of the nursery. Deliberate bad behaviour is never acceptable. It is nursery policy to respect all children through active praise and encouragement. We endeavour to develop a sense of respect of adults and other children, as well as their environment, through play and social interactions.
At Little Cherubs Day Care Nursery we are very much aware of children’s individual needs and that any policy must be age appropriate. We recognise that children develop at different rates and that they have varied temperaments. However children need to acquire basic social skills to enable them to get along with others, particularly in a group situation. Children will be positively motivated through an environment that offers constant praise and encouragement.
Children need to understand the expectations of adults in respect of behaviour, and therefore a consistent approach is needed. Children need to have guidelines clearly set so they know what is expected of them.
Alana Pengelly is the designated named person responsible for behaviour management.
A child who demonstrates good behaviour will: -
In extreme cases the parents, together with professional bodies may need to be approached.
CHILDREN WILL NEVER BE SMACKED, SHAKEN, HUMILIATED, RIDICULED, THREATENED, LEFT IN ISOLATION OR MADE TO FEEL UNWANTED OR UNDERVALUED. WE WILL NOT WITH HOLD FOOD, MEDICINE OR SLEEP FOR ANY CHILD IN OUR CARE. We will comply with the regulations of the Child Minding and Day Care Wales Regulations 2010 part 5 section 23. This outlines behaviour management, discipline and restraint. We will keep this policy under active review and notify CIW of any revision within 28 days of it being made.
Our policy at Little Cherubs is, if a child has been bitten another child, is to remove the child from the situation, and take them to a quiet area, where it can be explained that is it not nice to bite as it hurts the other child and makes them sad. Depending on the child’s age, they are encouraged to say sorry to the other child.
Parents of both parties will be informed, and told what action was taken, and a incident sheet may be shown, particularly if this is not a one off occurrence, as the biting will be closely monitored. An accident form will be shown and must be signed by the injured child’s parent / career. However due to confidentiality we cannot inform parents of the identity of the biter. If a child continues to bite repeatedly, the situation will be closely monitored and any concerns will be discussed with parents about how they can help guide their child through this difficult and often distressing time. Support will be offered throughout by your child’s key-worker, and group leader.
Staff engage in ongoing observations and assessments on all children that will identify bullying or changes in behaviour that may indicate if a child is being bullied. Staff will take seriously all reported incidents of bullying and not dismiss verbal and emotional bullying as less serious as physical bullying. Staff will understand the dynamics of bullying and that the bully is often an emotionally distressed child who requires appropriate support as well as non-acceptance of behaviour. Staff will be aware and familiar with positive behaviour management techniques as detailed in the policy.
What Is Bullying?
Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying results in pain and distress to the victim. A child who is bullying has reached a stage of cognitive development where he or she is able to plan to carry out a premeditated intent to cause distress to another. Bullying generally can occur in children five years old and over. Bullying can be:
Bullying hurts. No one deserves to be a victim of bullying. Everybody has the right to be treated with respect. Children who are bullying need to learn different ways of behaving.
The Nursery has a responsibility to respond promptly and effectively to issues of bullying.
Objectives of this Policy
Please see below for the individual group behaviour policy in accordance with age, stage and development
In the caterpillars room we will:
Whilst most children are well behaved there are occasions where we have more challenging behaviour being displayed. In this instance it may not always be possible to follow our set plan. Our aim is to write down what challenging behaviour is being seen. We will look to see if there are any patterns. Parents will be contacted and asked to come in for an informal chat. Together we will come up with a plan that can be followed both at home and in nursery. This will be reviewed as needed.
An environment, which offers praise and support, whilst providing clear guidelines, helps the children understand what is expected of them. The children are encouraged through this environment to value and respect themselves.
Good behaviour and discipline are essential to ensure the smooth and safe running of the nursery. Deliberate bad behaviour is never acceptable. It is nursery policy to respect all children through active praise and encouragement. We endeavour to develop a sense of respect of adults and other children, as well as their environment, through play and social interactions.
At Little Cherubs Day Care Nursery we are very much aware of children’s individual needs and that any policy must be age appropriate. We recognise that children develop at different rates and that they have varied temperaments. However children need to acquire basic social skills to enable them to get along with others, particularly in a group situation. Children will be positively motivated through an environment that offers constant praise and encouragement.
Children need to understand the expectations of adults in respect of behaviour, and therefore a consistent approach is needed. Children need to have guidelines clearly set so they know what is expected of them.
Alana Pengelly is the designated named person responsible for behaviour management.
A child who demonstrates good behaviour will: -
- Develop good self-esteem and confidence.
- Respects him/herself and others.
- Play in harmony with his/her peers.
- Respects the property of others.
- Learns to share and cooperate.
- Learn to listen and respond to requests.
- Learn to accept the authority of adults.
- Observes the rules of the group, especially regarding safety.
- Expresses his/her feelings in an acceptable manner.
- Hurting or upsetting others
- Interfering with other children’s play
- Destructive with property
- Using hurtful or abusive language
- Upsetting the running of the group
- Bullying, threatening or using any form of violent, abusive or racist behaviour
- Act as a good role model by showing good manners, consideration and respect for others, including the children.
- Provide a pro-social environment where activities are stimulating and age appropriate.
- Be consistent and fair in their approach.
- Work in partnership with parents and other nursery staff.
- Be observant – remembering it is always better to prevent unacceptable behaviour than to correct it.
- Be aware there may be underlying problems when unacceptable behaviour occurs and always respond appropriately respecting confidentiality.
- Encourage children to develop self-discipline.
- Explain to the child why their behaviour is unacceptable in clear and specific language that is age appropriate.
- Gather knowledge of child development
- Have a good relationship with the children
- Be patient, consistent and to keep a sense of humour
- Encourage the children to report any concerns to staff. Staff are to remind children of this to ensure they have confidence to speak out if needed.
- Young children are not able to sit still for long periods of time.
- Young children are naturally curious
- Young children have short attention spans
- Some degree of aggression is a normal part of development, this includes biting; hitting; pinching etc. Very young children cannot transfer feelings, they do not understand that they are hurting others if they bite etc;
- Lack of language can cause frustration that may lead to behavioural problems, particularly as understanding is always more advanced than speech.
- Change can be disturbing. This may be clearing away after activities; adults and children moving in and out of rooms, separation from a parent etc.
- Large busy groups can be difficult for the child to cope with. Children may react in different ways
- Older children have rich imagination and do not deliberately lie when they fail to tell the truth.
- Observe the child and gather information
- Define the behaviour that needs changing
- Observe antecedent and consequence (what led up to the behaviour and what gains the child had)
- Manipulate the antecedent by changing the consequence
- Concentrate on one or two problems causing the most concern
- Ensure a totally consistent approach to tackling these problems
- Set out those rules which are absolutely necessary
- Where appropriate the information would be shared with relevant professionals such as the early years forum, first opportunities and parent plus if this would benefit the child in getting expert help. Permission will be sought from the child’s parent first.
- Contact numbers are Parent plus:- 02920 443801 and First Opportunities:- 02920 739 209 and Early Years Forum:- 02920 629800
- We will have regard to the information supplies in the Directory of early years services for children with special educational needs in Cardiff
Examples of common behavioural problems
When fighting of any kind is encountered in the nursery the children involved should be taken away to a quiet area, explained that fighting is not nice and that we are all friends and are kind to each other. Try to get older children to apologise to one another. Separate those involved and take their minds of the present situation that led to the squabble by interesting them in something different and keep an eye on the situation to see it doesn’t reoccur.Biting
This will happen from time to time especially when new children are ‘trying it on’ at the nursery to see what they will achieve. Quite often it is the children with limited vocabulary who ‘bite’ as this may be their way of achieving a goal which others would talk through. Again take the children involved to a quiet area – ask the ‘offender’ to say ‘sorry’ to the ‘victim’ and explain that it is not nice to bite as it hurts the other child and makes them sad. Both sets of parents should be informed and told what action was taken. Bites should be entered in the accident folder and signed off by the parent whose child was injured. We have a separate biting policy and information for parents. We also have a biting resource pack available to loan to all parents. Please see a member of staff if you wish to borrow this pack.Temper Tantrums
This is the age when children try to get what they want by screaming, shouting, kicking, etc., but when they realise that they do not achieve their goal by this method they soon stop. However, this is not always achieved the first or even second time this occurs and may be a long process depending on the child. However, when a child knows you say something and mean it they very soon learn to accept that ‘no’ means ‘no’ and not ‘maybe’ or ‘perhaps’. Without giving into a child’s demands the best route is usually to distract them in something away from the situation. In all these circumstances it is important to praise the child when they have done well or sorted out their differences without resorting to their usual methods.Stubborn or Uncooperative Children
This is a very common thing at this age when they are trying to assert themselves as individuals but they will usually want to be ‘liked’ and be part of the group so gentle persuasion with the reward of praise at the end of the task is often very successful. ‘Come and help me clear up this mess and we will play a special game’ ‘Lets see who can pick up the most pieces of this toy’’ many ploys can be successful and you have to try various things depending on the child. If you can find their ‘weakness’ e.g. the thing they do best then you can capitalise on this and know that the reward you offer will be acceptable.Destructive Behaviour
Again this is often found in children with little or no language and is a way of getting attention, which otherwise they could ask for. A firm voice at this time is sometimes enough and explaining that if our toys or whatever gets broken then we won’t have anything to play with and that would be very sad. Perhaps giving the child something with which he can be aggressive without being destructive.e.g. Hammer and wood (under close supervision) they could bang as much as they liked without harming anyone or anything and perhaps get rid of some aggression.Verbal Behaviour
Shouting, swearing or spiteful verbal ling is sometimes more upsetting to other children than physical abuse. This may come from the child’s background, perhaps at home he hears a lot of this and to him it is the way people behave. This is sometimes harder to deal with than physical abuse. Again gentle talking to and explaining that we don’t behave this way in nursery and rewarding and praising the child when they apologise or make a real effort. The swearing sometimes disappears if not too much attention is drawn to it otherwise the child knows they have a weapon to use which upsets and gets them attention.Social Behaviour
This may take many forms and should be named unsocial behaviour. Children must learn that in society there are certain things which are socially acceptable and other things which aren’t and to live in a friendly atmosphere is much nicer than creating unease or displeasure. These aspects of behaviour have to be dealt with as they arise.In extreme cases the parents, together with professional bodies may need to be approached.
Staff engage in ongoing observations and assessments on all children that will identify bullying or changes in behaviour that may indicate if a child is being bullied. Staff will take seriously all reported incidents of bullying and not dismiss verbal and emotional bullying as less serious as physical bullying. Staff will understand the dynamics of bullying and that the bully is often an emotionally distressed child who requires appropriate support as well as non-acceptance of behaviour. Staff will be aware and familiar with positive behaviour management techniques as detailed in the policy.Achievement of positive behaviour
In order to achieve this:- Rules governing the conduct of the group and the behaviour of the children will be discussed and agreed by staff of the nursery and notified to all adults in the nursery.
- Staff within each group have devised an individual behaviour policy that each staff member within the group has agreed to. This ensures continuity and staff ownership and above all age appropriate methods within each group.
- Carers will be informed of our expectations of them.
- All adults in the nursery will ensure that the rules are applied consistently so children have the security of knowing what to expect and can build up suitable habits of behaviour.
- All adults will provide a positive role model for the children with regard to friendliness, care, good manners and courtesy.
- Adults in the nursery will praise and endorse desirable behaviour such as kindness and willingness to share.
- We will take positive steps to avoid a situation in which children receive adult attention only in return for undesirable behaviours.
Little Cherubs Behaviour and Discipline Policy
Whenever a behavioural problem occurs, the following steps will be taken:-- Minor instances of behaviour will be ignored if appropriate.
- Instances of good or improved behaviour will be rewarded by adults through extra attention, encouragement, stickers etc.
- Distractions will be used wherever possible and head on confrontations will be avoided.
- We will use the ‘kind hands’ method in the 1-5 years age groups where children will be reminded to be ‘kind’ to each other. There are appropriate posters displayed on the wall at the children’s level for each group to remind the children of this.
- The child will be stopped and reminded of the appropriate behaviour.
- The adult will speak to the child at the child’s level ensuring that they have eye contact. It is the action that will be criticised not the child. Child’s misbehaviour will be responded to by using sentences starting with ‘I’ rather than ‘you’. Eye contact will be established.
- A firm steady voice will be used to show disapproval no shouting will be done. The child will not be labelled.
- The adult will explain why the behaviour is unacceptable and intervene immediately. Empty threats will be avoided as it can frighten a young child and be ignored by an older child.
- If any damage has occurred the child will be encouraged to put it right, clear up etc.
- If a child has been hurt both physically and/or emotionally the offending child will be encouraged to apologise.
- Parents will be informed of any behaviour problems and action taken.
- Parents will not be given names of children who have offended or been offended against.
- We do not promote any form of physical intervention unless holding the child is necessary to prevent personal injury to the child, other children, an adult or serious damage to property. All incidents will be recorded and the parent informed of the incident on the day.
- If problems persist the manager will discuss the behaviour with parents confidentially and a behaviour modification plan to promote positive behaviour may be put into action.
- All unwanted behaviour will be monitored and discussed with parents before making any decisions on the best possible cause for action.
- We may require parents to withdraw or remove their child from nursery in the event that the nursery manager considers the child to be disruptive or displaying inappropriate behaviour. (See terms and conditions of contract)
CHILDREN WILL NEVER BE SMACKED, SHAKEN, HUMILIATED, RIDICULED, THREATENED, LEFT IN ISOLATION OR MADE TO FEEL UNWANTED OR UNDERVALUED. WE WILL NOT WITH HOLD FOOD, MEDICINE OR SLEEP FOR ANY CHILD IN OUR CARE. We will comply with the regulations of the Child Minding and Day Care Wales Regulations 2010 part 5 section 23. This outlines behaviour management, discipline and restraint. We will keep this policy under active review and notify CIW of any revision within 28 days of it being made.
Informing parents
Parents will of course be involved in management of their child’s behaviour at all times. Staff may offer a parent to speak in private to discuss behaviour and offer genuine support. Staff will ask parents questions to gain further insight in why a child may be struggling with behaviour. Staff will not discuss other children or criticise the child or parents in any way. Levels of rewards and/or sanctions may be discussed. When meeting with parents on a one to one staff will behave in accordance with the following information:- We will not dive in with the conversation and try and diffuse any anxiety before discussing any behaviour
- We will ask the parent for help and advice. We will search for collaborative approaches
- We will make notes during the meeting so we can give the parents a copy of what was discussed
- We will try and understand the style of parenting and the common approaches at home
- Make small agreements that last a week and are then reviewed
- We will not discuss the behaviour of other children or the attitude of other parents during the meeting
- After the meeting we will refer to any agreements made in private and not in front of other parents
Biting and Bullying
If a child has been bitten appropriate first aid will be administered. Where the bites have broken the skin, these will carefully be recorded on to an accident form, where a full account of the accident is given, clearly stating where the injury is situated and what treatment was given. The parent of the injured child will then be required to sign the form to say that they have been notified. Depending on the severity of the bite you may be contacted, and you will be able to make the decision whether you wish to seek further medical treatment.Our policy at Little Cherubs is, if a child has been bitten another child, is to remove the child from the situation, and take them to a quiet area, where it can be explained that is it not nice to bite as it hurts the other child and makes them sad. Depending on the child’s age, they are encouraged to say sorry to the other child.
Parents of both parties will be informed, and told what action was taken, and a incident sheet may be shown, particularly if this is not a one off occurrence, as the biting will be closely monitored. An accident form will be shown and must be signed by the injured child’s parent / career. However due to confidentiality we cannot inform parents of the identity of the biter. If a child continues to bite repeatedly, the situation will be closely monitored and any concerns will be discussed with parents about how they can help guide their child through this difficult and often distressing time. Support will be offered throughout by your child’s key-worker, and group leader.
Staff engage in ongoing observations and assessments on all children that will identify bullying or changes in behaviour that may indicate if a child is being bullied. Staff will take seriously all reported incidents of bullying and not dismiss verbal and emotional bullying as less serious as physical bullying. Staff will understand the dynamics of bullying and that the bully is often an emotionally distressed child who requires appropriate support as well as non-acceptance of behaviour. Staff will be aware and familiar with positive behaviour management techniques as detailed in the policy.
We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our children so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our Nursery. If bullying does occur, all children should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a TELLING Nursery. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the staff.What Is Bullying?
Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying results in pain and distress to the victim. A child who is bullying has reached a stage of cognitive development where he or she is able to plan to carry out a premeditated intent to cause distress to another. Bullying generally can occur in children five years old and over. Bullying can be:
- Emotional - being unfriendly, not letting a child join in the group
- Physical - pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence
- Racist - racial taunts, graffiti, gestures
- Sexual - unwanted physical contact
- Verbal - name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing
Bullying hurts. No one deserves to be a victim of bullying. Everybody has the right to be treated with respect. Children who are bullying need to learn different ways of behaving.
The Nursery has a responsibility to respond promptly and effectively to issues of bullying.
Objectives of this Policy
- All staff, children and parents should have an understanding of what bullying is.
- All staff should know what the Nursery policy is on bullying, and follow it when bullying is reported.
- All children and parents should know what the Nursery policy is on bullying, and what they should do if bullying arises.
- As a Nursery we take bullying seriously. Children and parents should be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.
- Bullying will not be tolerated.
- We do not label children who bully as “bullies”.
- A child may indicate by signs or behaviour that he or she is being bullied.
- Is unwilling to come to nursery
- Becomes withdrawn anxious, or lacking in confidence
- Starts stammering
- Cries themselves to sleep at night or has nightmares
- Feels ill in the morning
- Becomes aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable
- Is bullying other children or siblings
- Stops eating
- Is frightened to say what’s wrong
- Gives improbable excuses for any of the above
- Report bullying incidents to staff
- In cases of bullying, the incidents will be recorded by staff
- In serious cases parents should be informed and will be asked to come in to a meeting to discuss the problem
- The bullying behaviour or threats of bullying must be investigated and the bullying stopped quickly
- An attempt will be made to help the bully (bullies) change their behaviour
- Report bullying incidents to staff
- In cases of bullying, the incidents will be recorded by staff
- In serious cases parents should be informed and will be asked to come in to a meeting to discuss the problem
- The bullying behaviour or threats of bullying must be investigated and the bullying stopped quickly
- An attempt will be made to help the bully (bullies) change their behaviour
- The bully (bullies) may be asked to genuinely apologise. Other consequences may take place.
- If possible, the children will be reconciled
- After the incident / incidents have been investigated and dealt with, each case will be monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not take place.
Please see below for the individual group behaviour policy in accordance with age, stage and development
0-1 year’s behaviour policy
- As this is such a young age children will be discouraged from unwanted behaviour by introducing the child to the word ‘No’. This will be carried out firmly but without raising voices.
- Children will be distracted with toys, activities and interaction should any unwanted incidents arise. A change of toys will be offered in case the child is bored.
- Parents will be informed via end of the day feedback in an informal manner so not to make a big deal of any incidents.
1-2 years behaviour policy
- Minor misbehaviour will be ignored or distractions given. Children will be told ‘No’ and the reason why.
- If misbehaviour continues then quiet time will be introduced so a child can calm down. This will involve sitting with a child and playing or reading a story.
- There will be no raised voices when dealing with the children’s behaviour and staff will remain calm and collected at all times.
- Parents will be informed of any incidents of unwanted behaviour via verbal feedback ensuring that positive feedback is also given. Staff will work together with parents on all matters.
2-3 years age group
- Behaviour management within the group will be age appropriate, fair and consistent to the children’s abilities.
- Good behaviour is to be greatly praised by kind words or rewards such as stickers. This will encourage the children to behave appropriately and work together. We always promote kind hands and encourage children to work together.
- Happy voices-All staff will avoid unnecessary raised voices and will not shout at the children. It is unacceptable no matter how big the incident it can be resolves and controlled in calm and professional manner.
- Minor behaviour such as not listening, grabbing toys of other children will result in the children being encouraged to say sorry and return the item.
- A change of activity may be required due to children becoming bored or frustrated.
- Misbehaviour such as physical aggression or extreme rudeness towards staff or other children will be resolved by being encouraged to say sorry to the hurt child
- The child will be made aware that the behaviour is unwanted not themselves and we will help raise positive self esteem and promote positive behaviour at all times.
3-5 years behaviour policy
By the age of four children start to learn that different types of behaviour will gain different responses. The child is learning about right and wrong. Different responses from different people can confuse them. In turn they will learn to change and adapt behaviour when with different people and in different environments. We aim to set limits and boundaries for a child’s behaviour. This in turn will make the child feel safe and secure.In the caterpillars room we will:
- Make sure that our approach is fair and consistent. Each member of staff will manage behaviour in the same way.
- Be clear about rules and boundaries.
- If children are doing something that they shouldn’t be we will explain to them what we would like them to do.
- If we have a child with challenging behaviour we will prioritise the behaviour that we will respond to.
- Provide plenty of structure to the day which will include plenty of time to run around and let off steam.
- We recognise that each child is able to concentrate for a different length of time. Children with short concentration spans will be taken away from the group activity and taken to complete an activity that needs concentration. They can then be reintroduced to the group activity for a short period of time. The length of time can then be increased gradually.
- We will not praise a child for saying sorry. Just say thank you. Children will not be forced to say sorry if they do not want to.
Whilst most children are well behaved there are occasions where we have more challenging behaviour being displayed. In this instance it may not always be possible to follow our set plan. Our aim is to write down what challenging behaviour is being seen. We will look to see if there are any patterns. Parents will be contacted and asked to come in for an informal chat. Together we will come up with a plan that can be followed both at home and in nursery. This will be reviewed as needed.